In Romania, 3 out of 10 children will be affected by poverty

Source: Libertatea

Poverty is the deprivation of basic human conditions such as healthy eating, access to clean water, health services and shelter are inaccessible to a particular population because of the difficulty of allowing them. And by the end of 2009, according to World Bank estimates, 351,000 children aged between 0 and 14 will be affected by poverty. Another problem at national level is the dropout rate, which increased 3 times for primary and secondary education in 2000-2007. More than 70,000 children are now forced to work to survive instead of going to school, and of those 1,200 live and work on the streets in Bucharest.

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The Drama of Education in Romania: The number of students dropped by 30% in 25 years and the level of their training is getting worse

Source: Ziarul Financiar

“The school population (excluding higher education) decreased by 1.4 million pupils from 1990/1991 to 2013/2014, which represents almost 30% of the school population in 1990/1991. The main factors that have led to this reduction are the drop in birth rates, emigration and school dropout, “shows a report by the Court of Auditors analyzing the situation of Romanian education in terms of Romania’s commitment to the Europe 2020 strategy.

And the report concludes: the distance is enormous and there does not seem to be any chance that the proposed targets will be achieved, on the contrary.

The educational coverage of the population aged 7-10 years and 11-14 years – shows the quoted document – registered a descending evolution, so that in the school year 2013/2014 it was not included in a form of education 7.2 % of the 7-10 year old population and 8.5% of the 11-14 year old population. In 2014, 18% of the population aged 18-24 had undergraduate studies and no training.

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First statistic of people with Down syndrome

Source: DownInfoPlus

There are 4420 people with Down syndrome in Romania. Of these, 2611 are children and 1809 adults.

The county with the most people with Down’s syndrome is 278 in the city of Iaşi, and the lowest in Salaj is 34.


Level of schooling: The county with most children with Down syndrome in pre-school education is Buzau with 26 children, Mayor Mures with 23 children, Hunedoara gymnasium with 21 children, and Vaslui with 59 children.

Out of the 2,611 children with Down syndrome, only 41% are undergoing a form of education, with the rest being unskilled.

Recovery services: The county with the most Down syndrome patients receiving recovery services within DGASPC is Timiş with 66 children and Iaşi County holds the record with the most children with Down syndrome, 50 benefiting from services recovery in NGOs.

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Alarming statistics: One third of Romania’s population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion

Source: Mediafax

Over 38% of Romania’s population is at risk of poverty and social exclusion, 15.3% above the European average – 23.5%, according to data released on Tuesday in a Eurostat analysis.

According to the European Commission’s Statistics Office, 38.8% of the country’s population in Romania is at risk of poverty and social exclusion, before Bulgaria, where 40.4% of citizens are exposed to poverty.

Compared to 2010, when 41.1% of Romanians were at risk of poverty and social exclusion, in 2016 their share fell by 2.7%.

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About Romanian orphans

Source: Dilema Veche

One sunny Sunday morning I kept watching the trees and I could touch them with my mind, I was looking at the leaves that were regaining the greenery that has been lost two seasons ago It crossed my mind a feeling of resurrection. Seeking through the papers that I have thrown all over the room, I found some pages of notes, I decided to close my eyes, let myself carried away by the wave of the Universe and stop at a page that would inspire me for the rest of the day. In my searches I found a quote that always inspired my fear of the past. I told myself that I must be Zoe man and frontly attack the subject of the quote.

The quote is an extract from a conversation between Mrs Maylie and Oliver Twist: “Oliver, my child,” said Mrs. Maylie, “where have you been, and why do you look so sad? There are tears stealing your face at this moment. What is the matter? “” It is a world of disappointment: often to the hopes we most cherish, and we hope that our nature is the greatest honor. “(Oliver Twist, pp. 622-623). It is a moment from the end of Oliver Twist’s realistic novel by Charles Dickens (published between 1837 and 1839), a moment when Oliver reveals Mrs. Maylie the sadness with which his hopes have been broken by the disappointments in his life.

Plecînd de la aceste gînduri ale lui Twist, m-am gîndit că ar fi bine să aduc în faţa cititorilor un text al unui subiect sensibil, subiect care are strînsă legătură cu citatul redescoperit: despre o pagină din ceea ce înseamnă să fii orfan (instituţionalizat) în România. Este un text pe care vreau să-l trataţi, dragi cititori, cu mare atenţie şi care vreau să fie înţeles întru deplinătatea entităţilor sale empirice. Să fie privit cu sufletul, cu mintea deschisă, fără prejudecăţi, fără stereotipuri, fără rasism, fără mentalităţi greşite sau segregare socială.

Starting from Twist’s thoughts I thought it would be good to bring to my readers a text of a sensitive subject, a subject closely related to the rediscovered quotation: a page of what it means to be an orphan (institutionalized) in Romania. It is a text that I want you to treat, dear readers, with great care and which I want to be understood in the fullness of its empirical entities. May this text be seen with the soul, with an open mind, without prejudices, without stereotypes, without racism, with no wrong mentality or social segregation.


Brief historical context

Many contemporary citizens imagine that an orphan’s life means being transposed into one of the outstanding characters in the universal literature, that it also means living under the conditions of English or French realism in the nineteenth century and, in particular, Be the little Rémi, Cuore, Marius or Cosette, Pip, Twist or Copperfield. Many do not know, they can not know and should not be blamed for moments they have not lived or will not live with.


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